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Celtic Tree Months
Beth (Birch) December 24 to January 20 - regeneration & new projects
Luis (Rowan) January 21 to February 17 - intentions of success
Nion (Ash) February 18 to March 17 - inner self
Fearn (Alder) March 18 to April 14 - spiritual decisions
Saille (Willow) April 15 to May 12 - growth & healing
Uath (Hawthorn) May 13 to June 9 - your passion
Duir (Oak) June 10 to July 7 - financial intentions
Tinne (Holly) July 8 to August 4 - support and protection
Coll (Hazel) August 5 to September 1 - wisdom
Muin (Vine) September 2 to September 29 - ambitions/goals/dreams
Gort (Ivy) September 30 to October 27 - self-improvement
Ngetal (Reed/Fern/Broom) October 28 to November 24 - deep meditation
Ruis (Elder) November 25 to December 22 - endings/beginnings
December 23 is not ruled by any tree for it is the traditional day of the proverbial “Year and a Day” in the earliest courts of law.
Upcoming Services
Creator has blessed us with marking seasons via the moon, sun, stars, planets. We celebrate them at The SEI.
Spring is Coming (Imbolc)
February 2
Spring Equinox (Ostara)
March 21
Earth Day
April 22nd
Spring Begins (Beltane)
Summer Solstice (Litha)
June 21
First Harvest (Lughnasadh)
August 1
Fall Equinox (Mabon)
September 21
Welcoming the Harvest (Samhain)
October 31
Winter Solstice (Yule)
December 21
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